Healing Life Hypnosis Ltd


The time is NOW!

Do you put things off for “later” when really you should be tackling them like yesterday?

Do you struggle with tasks and leave them till the last minute? Do you get the feeling of being lost and find that you waste unnecessary time? 

Does this feel like you? 

I can help you to see things in a clear and logical way, with less stress, and assist you to achieve your true potential. 

The subconscious issue

You can understand the logic of a project but can’t explain why you procrastinate. It is because procrastination is a subconscious issue. The mind dictates to us our behaviour even though we don’t always realise it, and this can be difficult to on your own. 

Hypnosis is an effective way to bypass the conscious mind. It goes to the source and re-programs the way your mind works. You will be able to take action without wasting time, be stress free and ultimately achieve your true capability. It can help you be be more productive and focused.

Do you wish to change the way your subconscious mind works? Let me help you eliminate your tendency to procrastinate and lift you to a level of a positive mind-set and attitude.

Procrastination stops you from reaching your full potential and your dreams. This does not have to be.  You know that you are capable of a lot more.

The time is NOW!

Now later blackboard

So how can these sessions help you?

The first session is very powerful, it helps us tap into the subconscious mind to the root of your procrastination which lies in your beliefs, emotions and thinking.  It will give you that A-Ha moment of why you procrastinate and release you from what is weighing you down!

I offer my clients a personalized audio based on the session to listen to a minimum of 21 days. The mind loves repetition and repeating this audio for at least 21 days helps to reprogram the brilliant subconscious mind to think in a positive and productive way!

The second and third session are hypnosis session based on the previous session; what has surfaced up and what else needs to be worked on.

Book your free 20 minute online consultation

Let’s chat then you can see whether this program is for you

There are various deeper cues but there are 3 main themes throughout these sessions.

Believing in yourself

Productivity exists within our beliefs and confidence. If you believe in yourself, you will be able to fulfil your potential and dreams.

Emotional control

Part of procrastination is an underlying lack of emotional control. 

Through these sessions I focus on you taking ownership of your own mind and rid yourself of negative issues which are the cause of procrastination. The sessions will give you control over your emotions and you will have a realistic approach to getting things done and act in the moment.

Changing your mindset

You can easily get distracted which allows you to procrastinate.  You self-sabotage your ownn success! These sessions will empower you to become pro-active and productive. Some people naturally act and get things done which is why you can’t understand your procrastination. This is because their mind-set is different to yours. Our work together will change that, and you will notice positive shifts in your life. Wouldn’t it be awesome to get things done easily and effectively?

If you want to change your life and stop your negative, procrastinating mind-set, then these sessions are for you.  You will be more productive and enjoy the successful life you deserve.

I wonder if you are ready to take charge of your life right now? Will you “think about it” and “get to it later” – (which is why you are here !) or will you Finally take the action and BOOK YOUR FREE call right now! The time is NOW!