Healing Life Hypnosis Ltd

Inner Child – Healing the Inner Child Wounds

There is an Inner Child in all of us. A child that is hurt, longing for attention and external validations. A child who wants to feel loved and cared for. Not to say everyone has had a bad traumatic childhood. An event does not have to be huge or small for our inner child to pick up negative beliefs about us. This is why digging deeper into the inner child wounds is so important.

We are all born with confidence and full of love; but somewhere something happens, someone says something and we start to believe that we are at fault or that we are not good enough. To heal this inner child wound, we must know where and what is the hurt. We must know how these hurts are affecting the world around them today. We do releasing the beliefs that doesn’t serve and reassure that they’re safe and that you’re now their adult and will not let them feel unsafe. You will be the parent they never had or always wished for.

Some common emotions that a wounded inner child feels may be not being: Accepted, heard, validated, in-control, liked, valued, loved, peaceful, smart etc.

When we do the Inner Child work we are working on making this child feel safe and loved. I will work with you and show you simple, yet powerful ways to gain this child’s trust back. Finally, you will be able to find compassion and self-love for yourself and for other and this will have a ripple, positive affect in all areas of your life.

“Sometimes you just need someone to gently help you step into the uncomfortable you know have carried for so long without knowing it. They guide you to see it, feel it, face it and then…let go of it. Huma held space for me through my experience of clearing covered up issues from 30 years ago! An experience that has changed me forever. So grateful to have been able to finally cross that hump that held me back!!! To newer and brighter beginnings! Huma…there are no words to say how thankful I am for your service…thank you…thank you…THANK you!”

P – Toronto, Canada