Healing Life Hypnosis

A short video to get you in the zone

Hey everyone it’s Huma Haider. Thank you for being part of this group wanted to share two amazing tips with you today you know how sometimes you just before a client you just are not in the zone that you don’t feel like it just driving yourself all day and you’re just about to see a client you’re about to go into a session and you so drained you feel like just not in the mood I’m just not in a zone and it happens to us you know life happens we wake up all charged and then suddenly something happens or you see something or someone tells you something and you just go poof but you obviously can’t cancel that appointment and you want to you want to make sure that you’re giving you a hundred percent to the client as well so how do you get out of that state a very simple tip is I’ve learned this from my friend else I want to give them 100 percent credit for this so you you have this dent between your two fingers you’re made a finger and your baby your pinky finger and this dent over here right now this is an exit pressure point and you take your dominant hand I’m right handed and you find this dent right here and you start tapping on it and when you start tapping on it you see positive things that you want to feel just keep three or four things in mind and really state with enthusiasm with confidence say I am phenomenal I’m feeling absolutely amazing I feel so wonderful right now I’m feeling amazing I am feeling so confident right now the session is gonna go amazing it’s going to be phenomenal the client is gonna get all the benefits from this session I can feel it and just not what I’m doing this while I’m saying this I can feel this empowering feeling right now in my chest and just scan your body and feel it and and feel that confidence feel those good feelings come up for you whatever they are for me it’s usually you know another chest area and amplify that feeling just feel it within you just be authentic be yourself and say all the good things about yourself that you know are true and you believe I enough I am lovable and you are I am amazing I am phenomenal the session is gonna be amazing I can just feel it I know how good I am I am amazing I am phenomenal I’m feeling amazing right now just by doing this I’m feeling confident oh that’s getting all charged up right now and that’s all that’s all there is to it it just takes a few seconds to admit it and just go ahead and try it and you don’t have to do this just before a client only you can use it any time any time you want to change your state of where you are right now to a better state if you are feeling sad to do this oh I’m feeling so happy right now I can just feel I’m feeling so content right now think of a nice happy moment and just go for it you’re feeling I don’t know anxious or just just do that and I’m feeling fine I’m good I’m so happy I feel joy I’m at peace I feel safe just do this for a few seconds to admit it and see how your state changes from where you are to where you want to be try that and let me know how it goes for you the second tip of this is easy this is so amazing and it works wonders it’s so powerful all you gotta do is stand up and just do the Wonder Woman post you know how the Wonder Woman stands with her head held high shoulders back their hands on her hips or knows it’s her waist and just feel that when you see Wonder Woman you can feel that confidence coming up from where you can feel them that confidence radiating them yet you know that I am enough feeling feeling like that Wonder Woman feel the confidence within you as soon as you do this if you have young kids and all you gotta do is stand this way give them the look or they get it so similarly just stand head held high shoulders back your hands on your waist or hip and just feel that confidence that she is radiating out and know that you are really a wonderful man you truly are so Wonder Woman polls feel it breathe it we then breathe in that confidence that wonderful feeling and feel so pumped of energized and breathe out and as you breathe out you just let go and believe that indeed you are a wonder one thank you for watching him let me know what you think about this video I’d love to make more take care bye

Transcription directly from YouTube